when a teacher is facing with his/her new students
he/she would like to know more about his/her students
introduce yourself is always started with name
continue with where are you come from , why you are here and blah blah blah so on ..............
today is the officially 1st day of teachers to step in my classroom
according to the time table given
today should have 6 teachers to enter my classroom --- 6K2 aka 6BZ
don't know y , our Mikroekonomi teacher is absent :(
anyway , we have so much noise in the class , haha
the 1st teacher who come in is MissWong
y ?
want to know more ? experience yourself then
next , business lesson
Cikgu Nazrul , he is also a disiplin teacher
but he is very funny and act like daiB lol .anyway , he is nice & friendly ... so far
he is the 1st teacher who start the introduce-yourself-game
he must ask everyone of name , address & parents' occupation
when my turn , it's so hard for me to tell a Malay where i stay
* i tried before when i worked at TheStore with some malay friends *
so when he ask me where i live , i answered in town
then he ask , which kind of house that i'm living
answered rumah kedai
he ask many questions and said it's because he never have friend stay in rumah kedai
he want to know more =.=''
ok lo then ... torture me to draw the map and explain to him lol
and the map , dirty my draft of doing math ttn exercise
3rd teacher who come in , Pn. Adik who teach our class for Math S Paper1
she is nothing special to say ,.haha
skip to the next
MUET teacher --- Diana Teng Bt. Abdullah
yeah~ she is a chinese muslim
i think she is quite straight among all the teachers who teach our class
MUET have 4 components :-
- Listening
- Reading
- Speaking
- Writing
introduce yourself in 2 minutes
everyone is scared
everyone silent
teacher sit down , wait us to action
i'm the 11th person who go out
what to say in 2 minutes ?
after that , i have to afraid of my MUET result liiiao lol
last teacher --- Saithy (if i'm not mistaken)
a female teacher who teach me Math S Paper2
she told us paper2 is much more easy compare to paper1
paper1 is harder and students must have +math base
student who almost fail in +math is not encourage to take Math
beside , she give us many advice also
my class have quite a lot of indians
most of them didn't take +math in SPM
then they decide to let go MathS and take bahasaTAMIL
but the teacher told them honestly ,
tamil is not so useful because there is no career that really need tamil except tamil teacher
she also ask anyone of us take chinese , she said chinese is diferent with tamil
------ an indian say so to indians , i'm touch with the 1Malaysia spirit lol
according to the time table
we have 2 periods of self-study in a week
erm... tell me how to spend the 2 periods each week ar
let me balik rumah early is better la ~~~
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